Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to throw out en español


throw out verb

unfavorite favorite
botar, tirar (en la basura)

Ejemplos de uso de
throw out verb

  • the player was thrown out of the game after assaulting the ref
  • would you mind if I threw out that leftover pizza that's been in the fridge for two weeks?

Sinónimos de
throw out verb

Sinónimos detallados para throw out verb

Ver: Eject

Traducción inversa para to throw out

botar  - to throw, to fling, to hurl, to throw out, to throw away, to launch (a ship) 
tirar  (en la basura) - to pull, to draw, to throw, to hurl, to toss, to shoot, to throw away, to throw out, to waste, to attract, to knock down, to shoot, to fire, to launch, to get by, to manage, to take (a photo), to print, to run off 
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